2016년 3월 19일 토요일


Do you know what is facebook? That is a kind of Social Network Service.
In 2015,1.5billion people join Facebook. That is the biggest SNS in the world!!
I use that,too. So i want to explain about Facebook history..........
In 2004, Mark Zuckerberg started 'the facebook'! In this time,he is in Havard University.
At first,only Havard University's students can use Facebook.
But Stanford University,Yale University's students also can use that.
And in 2005,over 2000 universities and 25000 high schools use that!!!!!!!
That's amazing! Finally,If you over 13 years old,you can use Facebook.
This is Facebook history. I think that is really good SNS.
Because i can communicate other people!!!!!!! Also, i can study English with foreign people using facebook. What do you think about Facebook? Please write comments :)

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