2016년 3월 26일 토요일

Very busy!!!

Long time no see!!! I was super busy whole week. Because I should study for exam.
I learn a lot of subjects. That is Korea,English,Math,Science,History,Music and art....
I must go school at 8:40AM. And class finished at 4:00PM.
There is two semester in year. And I have 2 tests in a semester.
In Afril, I will take a midterm test! The test is very very hard.
So, I still study hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If i study hard,i can get good grade!

2016년 3월 20일 일요일

Pennsylvania Fire

The eastern United States has a mining coal. Pennsylvania has a mining coal,too.
It has a lot of coal.... And Centralia,Pennsylvania has high-quality coal..
The coal burns hotter than other kinds of coal. In 1962,the garbage caught fire..
It set the open mine on fire!!!!! The fire started burning underground, where it was impossible to put out... So over 40 years,the fire has been burning underground..................
Maybe it will burn for over 250years.. That is a terrible disaster..... Do you think like me?

2016년 3월 19일 토요일


Do you know what is facebook? That is a kind of Social Network Service.
In 2015,1.5billion people join Facebook. That is the biggest SNS in the world!!
I use that,too. So i want to explain about Facebook history..........
In 2004, Mark Zuckerberg started 'the facebook'! In this time,he is in Havard University.
At first,only Havard University's students can use Facebook.
But Stanford University,Yale University's students also can use that.
And in 2005,over 2000 universities and 25000 high schools use that!!!!!!!
That's amazing! Finally,If you over 13 years old,you can use Facebook.
This is Facebook history. I think that is really good SNS.
Because i can communicate other people!!!!!!! Also, i can study English with foreign people using facebook. What do you think about Facebook? Please write comments :)

My dream!

When i was young,i said i want to get my own blog. So i stared this blog.
My dream is that many people read my story.... And i am trying that
I think that is very very hard. However, i believe i can do it :).
My page views are only 20 each writings.... But i make this blog before 3 days!
So i can evolve this!!!! And in my blog, That isn't have any comments..
Please come and write comments in my blog!!
And I can get Special power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for reading<3

Beautilful photo

I find this beautiful photo!!!! If you want, i can find more photo!!!

2016년 3월 18일 금요일

Hello. Today i will write about my life! I am students. So i study very hard.
And i should go to my school until 8:40 AM. So i wake up early morning :)
But, In weekend, i wake up afternoon!!!!
Umm...... In my nation,people study English very hard. And i study English, too.

When i was 10,i started learning English. At now,i can't speak English fluently.
But i can write essay in English... I think learning other language is very difficult!! haha
And i live in Incheon,Korea!! If you wonder about me, please write comments!!

Olympic games

I like sports very much!!!!!!! So i saw all games in 2012 London Olympics.
And i am going to see 2016 Olymipics! hahaha
Today, i introduce about Olympics records. Do you know who get themost medal in olympics?
The person is Michael Fred Phelps II. He got 22medals in olympics.
And he got 18 gold medals!!!!!!! That's a amazing record. Do you think so?
And i introduce Usian Bolt.
He gets world records in 100m,200m.
His 100M record is 9.58. And he got a 100m olympic record. That is 9.63.
And His 200m record is 19.19...... His height is 195cm.... So he can run so fast!!!
And his nickname is lightning bolt!
And he got 6 gold medals in 2008 and 2012 Olympics!!!!!!!!
He is very fast! He is legend.

2016년 3월 17일 목요일

Hello. My name is Kim Gyu Min. I introduce a game! That is Megapolis.
I manage Megapolis community in Google+. I love the game. This game is making my own city.
It isn't hard.... It is smiliar Sim City. But Megapolis is more simple than Sim city. You can build airport,subway station and a Military base.. If you start this game at first, you think this game is very hard.. However, If you play this game continually, you can play more easier..... And please write comments!!

Fun-We Are Young

Hello!!!!!!! I will introduce a song. That title is We Are Young. I love this song because this makes me very very fun...... hahaha  Fun is a band who makes the song!
Do you know? I heared they are popular in America. Anyway, i like their song! And you should listen the song...

2016년 3월 16일 수요일


Umm......... i don't know how can i manage this blog. hahaha Please write comments my blog!
Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I started this blog!